
It's Spring time and the pollen is falling ....

Pollen!!! It's everywhere .... in your hair, in your eyes, in your house!! On the dog, in the garage, on the cars, on the porch, tracked in the house, everywhere. You can't sweep it up, vacuum it up, or wipe it up. It's there and you might as well leave it there until it stops. Then start cleaning!!! It's pine pollen and you can see it here in the pine tree. Those yellow things are the male and female "squigglies" ... ok I'm not a horticulturist ... that yellow is all pollen. A breeze comes and you're driving in a yellow haze. Some of the squigglies will make pine cones, others won't. ::cough:: ::wheeze:: ::sneeze:: ::sneeze:: Welcome to April in North Carolina!!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

that doesn't sound like any fun at all! :)

Larajc said...

well, I guess I will take spring anyway! Hope you get through it. Miss you!