
Dog Days of Summer

A day trip down to Charleston, SC to help Jeremy move back to Wilmington, NC. He drove the Uhaul back - we stayed in Charleston and had lunch before returning back home. I love these houses on the Battery. The porches always face the water so the breeze would cool the house (before a/c of course). They are gorgeous and so colorful. You'd never guess that Tropical Storm Fay was blowing through. The water was choppy but the day was beautiful - warm, sunny and humid. It felt so good! We had lunch at Poogan's Porch - shrimp of course.


Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

What gorgeous photos Terri, I love looking at old buildings! Glad you made it back safely...I'll need to remember you next time I move! (LOL!)

Editor said...

Great pics and pages Sis.

Shalmar said...

Those are just wonderful pics! I hope to go there soon now that we live so much closer.

Monica and the team said...

love charleston and glad he moved closer too you. Love wilmington too so much history and beauty !

Larajc said...

Love these photos. SUch beautiful architecture!