
Yeah for 3-day weekends!!

Although I'll work a little at home, I am officially at the beginning of my 3-day weekend. Woo Hoo!! I started out with a challenge from 2Sketches4You.blogspot.com for week #13 card. Here is my response to this week's sketch using Yellow Bicycle papers and my new Slice (cut the xmas tree with it). Tomorrow if I can face the cold morning I'm going to go swimming at the Y. I've missed my two classes this week due to work but I did walk instead so I don't feel too guilty.
So here is my card for the 2Sketches4You Week #13 challenge ...

And a close-up of the butterfly. I cut out the same butterfly and attached it on top (an idea from one of my fellow scrappers).

I really like this card I did with the rich colors of the Roka papers. It was by sheer luck that the butterflies and the rub ons matched everything so well - they are from K&Co. & another company. And I think the fabric is from Websters Pages.

My sweet son who had a birthday last week on election day - or was it two weeks ago? Time flies. I love the bingo card and I believe these are Close to My Heart papers I bought in 2007. Great 'boy' colors.


kyllimarjaana said...

Absolutely wonderful cards . Colouring is perfect .

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Stunning work Terri!! Love the recent additions! Have a great 3 day weekend - I'm so jealous of you. :)

Pat said...

Enjoy your week-end. I love the card you made. I used my slice a lot today making my cards.

Pat said...

Hi Terri I left you something on my blog.