
In Memory ...

of my Josh ... I know others have had their children taken away from them suddenly and some not so suddenly. I don't like being a part of that elite group of people but they are a force to be reckoned with. We are a strong group of people who put one foot in front of the other each day we get out of bed. For me, it's been seven years, seven years that feel like yesterday. My son passed away two weeks before his 26th birthday. It was sudden. It was awful. I relive it each day. But scrapping is my medicine; it takes me back in time to those 25 years and 50 weeks that Josh was with me. And one day I'll see Josh again and he'll say "hey momma, what's up?" And we'll both laugh again. :-)


Sherrie said...

Aw, Terri....what a sweet and sentimental post! Keep those memories close.

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

My thoughts are with you today Terri! I am sorry you lost Josh so soon and didn't get an opportunity to see him grow up. I'm sure he knows how much you care for hom! {hugs!}

Pat said...

Terri {{{hugs}}}. I'm so sorry you lost your son so young. I am glad you are scrapping your memories of him.

Monica and the team said...

terri, thinking of you ! I know you have been thru alot since he has passed.Keep those precious memories close to your heart. Thinking about you!

Bessie said...

Beautiful! You and yours are in my prayers. I left you and award at my blog http://yabedash.blogspot.com/ for all the inspiration that you give me. Thank you!