
Gettin' Sketchy!!! March Sketch .....

I love this sketch this month at Gettin' Sketchy! You can get six pictures on your layout which is great for those surprise birthday parties such as the one in my layout below. I used Daily Grind papers from Fancy Pants and some Prima bling over there on the left. Down in the corner is a little bag of birthday confetti from Jolee's. Thanks for visiting my blog!


Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Lookin good Terri, I love that sketch for birthday pictures. I like how you added the rubons to the pictures! Good luck on the contest!

Peggy said...

great job on the sketch Terri! love your bling.

Larajc said...

SUch a wonderful layout Terri, love the bling and the pics are great!

m1ch3113lee said...

Great take on the sketch Terri.