
OMGOSH - It Snowed Again!!!

How lucky can a southern girl get I ask you? Not only did we get a couple of inches of snow this morning but my hubby took me to McD's for a cup of java and we slushed around the roads getting there. :-) Our second snowfall this year - WOW!! I was thinking of changing my banner but shoot fire, it looks that way again today! I wish I had a sled to slide down a hill. But I don't have a hill either. When you were a kid, did you go sledding with your high school friends? I did at a local school and at the bottom of the hill was a creek (or crick as some would call it). We all tried to make it to the crick. At the top of the hill there was a big metal drum where we had a fire. I always wondered how it was they had that big metal drum everytime we went sledding. I mean, who put it there? Anyway, our toes would be frozen and our tooshies would be sore from bouncing up and down on that sled. But we had a great time and there was always someone who lived close by - close enough for us converge in his or her house and have their mom fix us something hot to drink. Back then kids drank hot chocolate unlike kids today who are into the coffee thing ...

So now I'm going to post some pictures from today and then some layouts ... can you believe I have made 82 layouts/cards since the start of 2009. I really do need to get out more - perhaps play in that snow. Or let's go to the beach next weekend - it's going to be 75 degrees on Saturday - can you say PHOTO SHOOT!!! WOO HOO!!!

My Sadie-dor, she's a blessing!

It looks like a reflection in the water but actually it's the plants in the water and they are moving with the current. Just beautiful!

What fun to have a friend that lives in England. Irene took me to the airport and I flew over to Ireland (all by myself) for a fun-filled week-end driving around southern Ireland. What a wonderful country and so friendly!

1 comment:

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Oh wow, look at all your snow! After this cold winter I am sick of snow but I just love how pretty your pictures are! (So keep all the snow, we don't want any.) loL!