
I used the Page Maps Apr 09 12x12 sketch to create this layout of a recent trip to Moore's Creek Battlefield in North Carolina. The bridge in the picture is, of course, not the original bridge of the battle. The park created a boardwalk that you cross and look back toward the bridge. I love the reflections in the water which was so still that day. I would imagine when summer gets here, the canopy of trees will be full and a reflection picture may be difficult to get. The papers and alphas are from the K&Co Ancestry line. The card is from Prima as well as the gorgeous flower made of fabric. I did this layout for the Weekly Challenge #3 at Vintage Flaire.


kyllimarjaana said...

I love your card and this new picture . You are beautiful and your Jeremy too .

Cowspotdog said...

This is just so pretty, I love how the colors all fit together so perfectly.
Bree's Corner of the World --- Vintage Flaire

Jocelyn said...

What a beutiful LO!!! I am new to you blog and so enjoyed viewing it!!!! Please stop by and say HI!!! I just adore meeting new people with a passion for life and paper crafting!!!! Happy Sunday!

Lisa said...

Hi there Terri! I wanted to thank you for playing along with my birthday give-away. I was actually surprised when you said one of your favorites was the one about it not paying to be sentimental. That was my second post and I didn't know what I was doing...well, I still don't really know what I'm doing...lol! But at that time, I wasn't even sure anyone would be reading. I was just writing to get my feelings out...KWIM? Thank you so much for taking the time to read that far back.

I spent some time here also. You are one talented lady. I've enjoyed reading about your travel adventures. And I do have a question for you, but I think I will send it via email as it may be personal. Hope you have had a fantastic weekend and I look forward to getting to know more about you!

Lisa said...

Me again...I can't seem to find an email link for you...of course I'm not sure I know exactly where to look. lol! If you don't mind corresponding via email, would you go to the trouble of sending me your address via mine...that way yours can stay private if that is how you prefer it. (lhowards4n@yahoo.com)