

Loving it! It's going up to 84 today and 90 tomorrow and no rain until mid-week next week. We're off to the Air Show this weekend - lots and lots of planes, jets, helis, and loud loud loud noises!!! Also on the agenda this weekend is the Southern Living Women's show - a place to graze the food and spend the bucks. Should I or shouldn't I? That's enough to fill this weekend. Next weekend is already booked with National Scrapbooking Day online crops and contests and of course, The Kentucky Derby. Here's hoping you have a wonderful, warm weekend!!


Cowspotdog said...

that is what it has been over here in nebraska for the last three days too - seems like we have gone straight from winter to summer. Love your page.....I so miss the ocean....I spent my first 40 year years living right next too it.....sigh

Jocelyn said...

We are the same way, now today it was nice, but this weekend it is supposed to get HOT!!! What the heck is going on, no SPRING!!!! I don't want to go from heat to central air!!!! Love you LO!!! So peaceful!!! Have a great weekend!