
So long ago and yet the same .... how about you?

So, it's May 2013 and it still feels like winter some days.  I know the midwest is getting slaughtered with snow these days.  We just have cool days/nights.

Big news is my son, Jeremiah, is graduating from Marine Tech Institute July 5 - WOO HOO!!  An intense one-year program where he goes to school every day with no breaks for an entire year.  We'll be going to Florida to watch him graduate and move him back to Carolina country - thank goodness.  Haven't seen him since Christmas!!

And then there is my niece, Addie, who is graduating from the University of Kentucky this weekend on Sunday. She excelled at UK in International Business and circumvented the globe a couple of times too.

And then May 4, the world will be watching the Kentucky Derby.  Ahh, my home state.  Wish I could be there but I'll have to settle for watching it on the t.v. where I stand during the singing of My Olde Kentucky Home and tears roll down my cheeks as my lips putter during the chorus "Weep no more my ladies".. You'd have to know it to understand it.

And of course, National Scrapbooking Day is Saturday and my friend and I are on the waiting list to scrap at Archivers on Saturday.  One of us is in, the other on the wait list but first up.  Will we make it?  I won't go unless she goes with me.

And that's my life in a nutshell.  See, nothing has changed.  :-)  How about you?

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