
I've lost my MOJO ...

Help, I can't find it. Scrapped a little last Friday, just four birthday cards and a little card box, but that was it for like four weeks now. I'm too tired after walking every morning at 530 a.m. this week - UGH - and then working all day and some nights and then fixing dinner - then it's time to go back to bed and start all over again. So please, somebody send me some mojo to get me scrappin - I got tons of vintage ideas for Vintage Flaire and there are several crops this weekend at Serendipity Scrapbooks And then there is a Sunday crop at our local Archivers and my friend wants me to go there on Sunday. I love crops but I hate packing up my stuff to go which is why I don't usually go anymore. Online crops are so much easier and they have challenges and games and prizes whereas, store crops are just that - cropping! LOL

Well, I guess I'll go fix dinner and maybe try to scrap later - nope, have to work tonight - UGH!!!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Nooooooooooooooooooo.....come on....U and me .... we will go look for it together!!! U'll have to drive though!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!! it will come back!!! :):):):):):):):):)

Jocelyn said...

Ok, did you check under the bed...how about in the closet....I know it's right there...see it...I just sent it to you!!!! Grab it and run!!!! Love ya girlie!!! :)

nfaband said...

Aww Terri, you'll find your mojo again, it comes in waves sometimes, so just hang on I'm sure there's another wave coming. I hear you're scrapping with Miss Monica this weekend, I'm so freaking jealous, sure wish I lived close enough to join you girls, it would be so fun. Have a great time, get some pics while you're there and may the mojo Gods be with you soon.

Terri Moore said...

Ya'll are too sweet - still haven't scrapped but hope to this weekend ....