
It's the weekend ....

Ok, so why am I up so early. I jumped out of bed thinking it was time for my morning walk (I walk with my neighbor every morning at 6) and put on my walking clothes and then decided to look at the clock. It was 1:11 a.m.. GAD!! So I decided to go to the scraproom and chat a little.

I got my scrap area all cleaned up this week so I'm hoping that will inspire me to scrap this weekend while participating in Serendipity Scrapbooks Happily Ever After crop that starts today and goes throughout the weekend! They always have awesome challenges there that inspire me to get creative and boy do I need help since I've been in a scrapbookin' funk! I'm waiting anxiously for them to post the challenges to see what sparks me to do anything!!. :-)

And I have some terrific ideas for several vintage layouts and an Ad Challenge to post over at Vintage Flaire. I've been scanning old photos and creating black and white photos to create some neat vintage layouts. Plus I've been scouring the scrapbook stores and shelves for papers and ribbons and such to add to my layouts. I even found some Dick and Jane book pages to use. What fun that will be if I can just get started!!! :-)

I did the laundry and grocery shopping last night. Nothing more to do than scrap. Oh and plus Monica invited me to Archivers on Sunday to crop away for 7 hours in a crop there. That will be fun scrapping with her for the day. So I'll take some of the challenges with me there. It will be great to get out of the house for a while other than my morning walk and errands.

Counting down also to the morning of Friday August 28 which is when I'll will be off to the beach for an all girl's weekend sunbathing in the sand and getting down and dirty with the tequila and shrimp!! Yeah baby!!! What a great picture shoot!!!

But first, I must try to get back to sleep .... I mean, it's 2:42 a.m. - what in the world?????


Jocelyn said...

You sound like me....I wonder why in the world I wake at the strangest hours...ready to go...and do what? Oh sounds like fun scrapping with your friend and I hope to play along also with a few of the challenges!!!!! Can I go to the beach with you girls.....sounds like fun!!! Have a great day! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL!!!! I was up then too!!!! My excuse is because of a back ache....but whatever!!!! LOL!!!! Your weekend away sounds AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Lisa said...

Man I wish I was going with you on that girls trip...sounds wonderful! Love sun, sand, shrimp...YUM!

Can't wait to see your entries for the crop challenges! I just know you are gonna rock 'em! Have fun scrapping! xoxo L

Melonie said...

ooh....a girls weekend at the beach sounds like so much fun! I hope by now you have gotten some sleep. Hoping to pop in over Serendipitys crop a bit this weekend. See you there.

Unknown said...

Sounds like me, only I'm always too tired to actually get up and do something when I wake up in the middle of the night! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, I sent your blog candy and it came back to me because I didn't have enoug postage on it. How that happened I do not know, but it's going back out this week! My computer is still in the shop :o( so once again I am borrowing my moms and I couldn't get online last week to tell you the blog candy came back to me so I just wated to let you know now that I have a chance to!