
The Holidays are approaching ...

I've been away for a few months ... just plain busy at work. There are never enough hours in the day to do all the things that need to be done or I'd like to do. The older I get the shorter the days seem to get and now that the time has changed, the days are even shorter. What is about the time change that makes us want to sleep more?

I've been busy decorating the house for the Open House for the Zebulon Women's Club on November 29th. Billy has been buying more and more $1.98 boxes of Christmas lights and throwing them in the trees outside. Even Sadie-dor just stares at that strange red/white donned tree in the backyard wondering what in the world did the old man create back there.

My nephew was hurt a week ago but is recovering, my SIL Janine decided to take an 8 point buck on in her new car - and lost - and our vacation was cut short in the mountains in September because the window broke and wouldn't roll up which wouldn't have been bad if it was 80 degrees, but it wasn't, so we drove on home to get it repaired. Five hours on an interstate with the wind blowing and the semi-trucks passing you with the driver-side window down was not a pleasant experience but we managed. At least it wasn't too cold that day.

And now the holidays are coming on fast. Thanksgiving coming next week with Christmas right on the heels four weeks later. I'm looking forward to the yearly shopping spree with my best bud Cheryl the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. We do have such a wonderful time together. Unfortunately, Emily will be up north so she'll have to wait for the next shopping spree the day after Christmas. It's not the shopping, it's the eating, drinking, and watching all the idiots doing the stupid things they do that we get a kick out of when we go. Unfortunately, Billy won't be our bag boy this year as he has been in the past. I don't think we can ever talk him into doing that again. LOL

Well, that's all for now. I am alive and I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately but it's just been a very busy time for me at work and at home. I miss visiting all my friends blogs but promise to do so once I take some vacation later in December. Ya'll take care and thanks for stopping by!!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww girl....u have been busy....hope things get better soon!! {{{hugs}}} :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Monica and the team said...

hope your nephew is ok, sorry to hear about your car window.

Nishant said...

Great blog...you have.!!!!
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