

Well, Thanksgiving will be here in just 36 more hours. This year we are changing it up a bit. Have a couple from the neighborhood coming over for an afternoon sup of steaks, salad and whatever else I feel like cooking. Katja is going to bring a cake or brownies or something sweet to eat. That's going to be the extent of my cooking for the day!!! YIPEE!!! In the morning, we'll go over to another neighbor's home for an 8-10 drop by Thanksgiving morning coffee. This is like the third or fourth year Cathie has done that and I love it. Makes me get up early and get the day going. Unfortunately, Jeremy is unable to come home and spend the holiday with us. So in honor of his being absent this year, I have opted to go shopping on Black Friday. LOL I'd go anyway. Out Cheryl and I go on our yearly trek to all the shopping malls in our area. As long as we end up at Maggiano's for drinks and salads in the afternoon, we pretty much don't care where we go. Usually just window shop anyway. We love watching all the people scrambling about and messing with them and their parking spaces. ROFL!!!!

Well, I have plenty of time on my hands over the next five days - FIVE DAYS OFF - WOOHOO!!!! Lots of scrappy time for me. What a fun time I'll be having while you all gorge yourself on an average of 4500 calories in one day. Excuse me, might I have another piece of pie and double up on that whipped cream this time. LOL

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks for visiting my blog this year. I've enjoyed having you stop by.


Jeanyjo said...

Sounds like you are gonna have a fun time..... Happy Thanksgiving to you..

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Sounds like a nice time Terri, have a great day & Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Monica and the team said...

love maggianos! we usually go after a visit to southpoints santa - the best one around! hope you had a nice turkey day!