
Here Comes 2009 !!!

Hi all and welcome to 2009. I was thinking, I don't think I ever thought about what the world would be like in 2009 when I was young in the 1970s. I mean, who thinks about stuff like that when you're young? Golly - 2009!! Who would have thought? The days of wondering who the new rock group was and what songs they were singing have now turned into wondering how I'm ever going to retire and will my country be the same 20 years from now. I tend to worry about those kind of things now even though I have many years to go - or at least I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I do. I remember my mom used to say the old adage "no used crying over spilt milk" or was it "no use complaining about things you can't change". I don't remember.

My point though is that I worry about my country and what it may become. Now you can say anything you want, anywhere you want, anyhow you want. Makes no difference who you hurt. Now look where it's gotten us. Being a country of free speech, religion, etc. wasn't an invitation for all of us to come here and just create a chaotic country. We still have to have guiding principles, morals, rules, obligations, heritage, folklore, commonality, truth and justice. The US is a melting pot but that melting pot was based on certain principles. If you take those away, all you have is a big old pot of nothing!

So, learn about your country this year - stand up and be counted. Look for ways to express yourself and your ideals this year. There is something to be said about "crying over spilt milk" and "complaining about things you want to have changed". That's how we got to where we are today - people doing.

Happy New Year!


Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Very well said Terri, I agree with everything you wrote! What will I do this year?? Well as selfish as it sounds, I want to take better care of "ME!" If I can do that and make me happier and healthier, I can take better care of the people in my life. People can be so mean and hurtful, I am on a mission to be a bigger person and rise above all that - there are much more nicer people in the world to let the {sourfaces} pull me down. :) So that is my mission!

Terri Moore said...

You go girl!!! And if you need help with your mission, call on me - we'll help each other along!!

kyllimarjaana said...

The best new year speach I ever read . I'll answer to You on my blog today . It'll be my new year speach .

Frida said...

Georgeous card ! I love the flower and the colours !

Terri Moore said...

Kylli - I read your NY speech - it was wonderful. And Friday, thanks for the kudos on my card. :-) Come and visit me again.