

From our home to yours, a very merry Christmas to you and your families. It's been a year of ups and downs but somehow we managed to pull it off and end up healthy and be together here at the end. We have our jobs and our health and our family and although we have one son who we haven't had with us for seven Christmases now we are still blessed to have Jeremy and he was able to come and visit us this week to celebrate an early Christmas.

For my four brothers, their wives and their children, my parents (all of them) and my friends and neighbors, bloggers and message board friends, here is hoping that you ALL have a safe, warm and happy Christmastime and that 2009 brings you peace, happiness and many friendships.



Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Merry Christmas to you too Terri! I hope the rest of your vacation is great! Thanks for your online friendship & inspiration.

Pat said...

Merry Christmas Terri!

nfaband said...

Merry Christmas Terri ... I hope your day was full of love and fond memories.

Unknown said...

Hope your holidays were merry and bright!