
Lots of things going on these days .....

It's my birthday weekend!!! Woo hoo!! Actually my birthday isn't until Monday but who cares, I'm going out with the girls tonight to celebrate. Yeah, baby!!

Lots of other things going on this weekend. Lots of giveaways going on with various blogs around town. Paper Popsicles is giving away some Little Yellow Bicycle clear cuts from their new Love Letters line. WOO HOO! I love Little Yellow Bicycle papers and embellishments. I think the first line of theirs I bought was Zack's Life. Anyway, go over to their blog Paper Popsicles and look under the 1/13/09 post and you'll see how you too can enter their blog contest.

Well, I'm off to get ready for tonight. It's GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!!!! Let the fun begin even though it's only 12 degrees outside. Come on Spring!!!


She's a Color Queen said...

Thanks Terri for posting about Paper Popsicls!! See you on the message board there!

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Terri! I hope you have a great weekend and terrific Birthday on Monday! And of course a super fun girls night out!! Enjoy yourself!

Pat said...

Happy birthday Terri! Have a great day!