
And how great is this???
Thanks to Jill (Is this my life anyway?) for sending me the pink ladybug award!!! How cute is that? The rules for this award are as follows:
1. The winner may put the logo onto their blog
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for the nominees.

And without further ado, here are the 10 blogs I have chosen ....

  1. Lisa
  2. Tania
  3. Sarah
  4. Kim
  5. Lizzie
  6. Sherrie
  7. Monica
  8. Michelle
  9. Lara
  10. Jennifer


Lisa said...

Wow! Do I feel honored! Thank you for the award. I am sooooo glad I came across your blog. I absolutely love my visits here. You know how you can sometimes feel an instant connection with someone...like you can see straight to their heart? You know instantly that this is a special person? Well, that is how I felt on my first visit. Can't totally explain it. But it happened. You, my friend, possess something special! And it leaps off the screen. What I'm trying to say is YOU SO DESERVE THIS AWARD!!!

Loved your comment about the carrot cake cheesecake. Too bad we don't have a Cheesecake Factory here in Asheville. Well, on second thought, it's probably a good thing we don't! lol!

Hope you are having a wonderful week! XOXO

Larajc said...

thank you for the award Terri. I guess that means I need to post more often! Oh BOY>>>>>>that might be hard! I am honored and thank you!

Anonymous said...

So cute, congrats on the award :)

Lindsay said...

You've won a Creamy Metallic Chalk set from Pebbles Inc!! Send an email to lindsay@pebblesinc.com and we'll get your prize sent off as soon as possible!


Monica and the team said...

congrats on your winnings! thanks for the award! lisa , you might need to make a road trip down to raleigh, or we can deliver :D