
Wings Over Wayne!! Awesome and HOT!

Well, we had a great time yesterday except for the walking, walking and more walking. Oh my gosh - there were thousands of people at the Air Show yesterday at Johnson Seymour AFB. It was an awesome show though and we sat out in the morning sun from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Even though I soaked myself down with sunscreen, my left arm got blistered, lips are scorched somewhat and my left ear is a little hot today. :-) My best friends hubby went early and got us great spots dead center on the flight line. I took over 300 photos but here are just a couple. We were exhausted when we got home last night, and still HOT! I think it went up to 93 yesterday and there wasn't a cloud in the sky which was great for the Air Show.


Cowspotdog said...

how totally cool...we live right on the edge of Offutt Airforce Base so we get to get air show each year......I love the Stealth Bomber....they just just to hand in the air......and those are great photos you took

kyllimarjaana said...

What a show and the pictures .

nfaband said...

Wow... those are gorgeous photos you got there Terri ... sounds like such a fun thing to actually go and see.

Lisa said...

AMAZING photos! Sounds like so much fun...minus the sunburn! I spent Saturday on the lake. Luckily, no sunburn here. Hope you have a great day! XO

Monica and the team said...

wow ! great photos ! i know what you mean about hot! what happened to spring went from winter to summer!