
I survived by mini vacation ....

Well, today I am recuperating from the past three days of not working. Yeah yeah, I know, the weekend doesn't count as vacation but for those of us that work them, in addition to the five weekdays, it is a vacation!!!!

I started with swimming Friday morning - the instructor told us that starting in one week the class would start at 8 instead of 815 - dang, now I have to leave even earlier to get there. And when the outdoor pool opens, the class isn't going to be held outside like it was last year - it's too cold they say. Horse hockey - as Colonel Potter on MASH would say. Give me a break!!! I so looked forward to those early swim sessions to get a little tan in the early hours. Well, guess I can kiss that good-bye. Maybe I'll go join the place in Rolesville and kiss the YMCA good-bye.

I then went to get may hair highlighted and trimmed. Recall that last year I had surgery and lost most of it! Well, it grew back nice and thick but now it has this funky wave in it like something from the 1930s. So I trimmed it a little short again although I would love to get it long again. Oh well!!

From there, over to the Fresh Market to pick-up minimal groceries. I find that I buy stuff and it's going bad in the frig. So trying to cut back a little. I must say though, last night I made a French Onion Salisbury Steak on Cheese Toast that was to die for. I got the recipe out of a Cuisine magazine freebie that came in my mail - one of those mini-magazines where they try to entice you to sign up. Well, I didn't sign up but I did cook!!! Yummy!!! That and steamed asparagus - oh my - make a small dog break its chain!!!

Then over to Cheryl and Mark's Friday night - burgers on the grill and Trivial Pursuit. We hadn't played for like a year. Sherrie and Scott were also there so it was the girls vs. the guys. The women prevailed - as we usually do - and the guys didn't even see that we snuck in a wedge without earning it. Suckers!!!

Saturday was scrapping time and cooking time and doing nothing time. And Sunday was pretty much the same except for the awesome dinner I made last night. Oh and I made lasagne too but that is for tonight. Anyway, today I took the day off to recuperate from this past scrapping, birthday, hair cutting, swimming, eating too much weekend! Now to just sit back and enjoy the day before I go back to work tomorrow. Have a wonderful week everyone!!!


Jocelyn said...

So glad that you had a wonderful weekend!!! Sounds like FUN!!!! Enjoy your day off and have a Happy Monday!

Lisa said...

Hey girlie! What a wonderful mini vacation! And the mention of all that yummy food...can I invite myself to dinner! lol! Sounds like all the things I love! And I am SOOO gonna steal your little "make a small dog break its chain" comment! LOVE it!!! Looking forward to seeing your scrapping projects from the weekend! XOXO

P.S. No need to apologize for laughing at my little story. Believe me, it's either laugh or cry for me and I would much rather laugh! lol!

kyllimarjaana said...

Nice mini vacation , You sound so saticefyed . Good . I like see your new haircut .

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for my friendly and wonderful swim instructor Christina. I think I wouldn't have taken to swimming so much. I'll be sure to send my kids to take up lessons with her. Where are you learning swimming anyhows?

ellen s. said...

i am glad you got so much done! i totally know what you mean and that swimming class sounds great. and that fooooood! YUM!