
May Mayhem Continues!

At Serendipity Scrapbooks, they are still having their month-long fun month as I call it. I've been playing lots of games and racking up points. Plus they have Blue Light Specials going on where you can get great discounts on items in the store. I love the challenges and the games though. My scrappy friends should come and join me and see if you can get as many points as me. ::tee hee::

Here are some challenges I've done so far ...
These three are layouts wehre I made my own flowers - LOL - some look pathetic but hey, it works!! :-)

This page was for a May 25th Memorial Day challenge ....

And this one we had to make our own flowers ....

Here we had to scrap a day ....

And this one we had to take a sketch from a card and use the sketch on a layout...


Lisa said...

I am going to root for you! I checked out the month of fun early in the month and could not wait to play along. THEN...well, you know how it goes. Life had other plans. But that's OK. There will be other chances. I especially glad to see you took part! How many points do you have now? Are you in the lead? Hope you win that queen of the crop award...don't think that is exactly what it's called but you KWIM. Post a few of your layouts here. I would love to see them. XOXO Lisa

Susan Stringfellow said...

GOOD LUCK! And thanks for hanging out with us and linking us to your blog!