
My Brother ...

Hey Dean, here is a layout I did of you the other day .... love you, Bro!!!


Anonymous said...

I do so think he is a handsome man. Nice page. Good subject matter, lol.

kyllimarjaana said...

You really know how to do these ! What a handsome man and hole combination !

Jocelyn said...

What a great LO....love the pic and the colors and details are stunning!!!! Wishing you a great weekend!!! :)

Lisa said...

Great page of another man in your life! Hope he likes it...could he be anonymous commenter #1???? ;)

Lisa said...

Just wanted to stop by again and say hi! I have been behind in checking up on my blog friends. :( Hope you are having a great summer. And thanks for the hello at SS! You should sooooo try out for the DT. I'm thinking of doing the same. Just letting you know I'm thinking about you! :)

nfaband said...

Awesome job Terri ... love bright colors against the black background.

Lori said...

Nice Page Terri! I never would've thought of using flowers on a "man page", but it works! I am inspired.