
Whew what a weekend and now what a week!

I finished up the crop this weekend - 22 layouts - OMgoodness! Here are some layouts I made this past weekend...My trip to Salzburg, Austria ...
My trip back home to Lexington, KY ....

And another new challenge has been posted by me at Vintage Flaire. So check out the various challenges there from the DT- lots of neat vintage and shabby chic layouts, cards, and ideas. Not to mention the free pics you can download and printout from flickr (as a member) to use on your vintage and shabby chic items. On this layout I used sheet music I picked up in a vintage package I purchased on Etsy and then added the front of a card with the two children on it. The picture is me and my older brother from 1959??


Lisa said...

22 layouts??? Good grief! You were one busy chicky! Way to go! Great job on these three! Lovely, just lovely!

I will be sure to check out the classes and your challenge...can't wait! Hope you are having a great Monday...and you better be resting...LOL!!!

Jocelyn said...

Look at you go girl...22 LO's...YIPPEE. I could not complete 22 LO's if my life depended on it..or maybe I could!!!! Love them..you did an awesome job!!! Wishing you a great week! :)

nfaband said...

Super pages Terri ... where were you cropping?

scrappermimi said...

22 LO in a weekend...I have not done that many this month! Wow...you rock.

Terrific LO's! I especially like the yellow, I am just loving yellow right now!

Michelle H. said...

Love all your Lo's!! My fav is the Austria one! I love collage type Lo's! What a stunning LO!!
WTG, with completing 22 layouts!! I wish I had the time to do that many!! Hope your having a great weeK!!

Angie... by the said...

Love all you lo's, but mercy, the Salburg one is my fav! Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I signed up as a follower! Heres' mine if you get time to stop by and say 'hi'!


tempus fugit said...

OMG! Your LOs are all stunning!! Love especially the one about Salzburg - hope you had a great time there :)
Love and hugs,