
In Memory ....

Today is Memorial Day and I want to personally thank all the veterans, both young and old, here and gone, who have fought so valiantly for our country and for others in the world. I, too, am a veteran like my brother, cousins, father, and grandfathers.
As part of today's Memorial Day celebration, I did a layout for a challenge at Serendipity Scrapbooks to honor my son who passed away 7 years ago. So Josh, just so you know that we miss you each day, love you always, and wish you were here with us. Love - Mama


VAWM said...

Terri, your LO is beautiful. I also just want to take a moment to thank you and those in your family who have served our country. Peace be with you.

Lisa said...

Terri, what a beautiful layout! And as a way of saying thanks, I have a little award for you posted on my blog. It is a "You Inspire Me" award! I love you, girl! ***HUGS***