
Memorial Day Weekend!

Are you ready for a three-day weekend? Boy, I am! And as a veteran it's an extra special weekend for me - lots going on around the Raleigh area with concerts and Memorial Day special events. So when you're out this weekend enjoying a concert, having a picnic or simply playing outdoors with your kids, take a few minutes please and think about our men and women in the Armed Services who are serving this wonderful country both home and abroad. Without their sacrifices, where would we be today?

Thank you Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, Coast Guard!


Jocelyn said...

I so agree...I thank each and everyone who has served our country each night in my prayers!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Enjoy the three days off~!

ellen s. said...

i def think about this the whole weekend. it means so much to remember & never forget. have a great weekend!