
The early bird gets to read more blogs ...

There is something to be said about waking up earlier than everyone else. Quiet time and time to sip my java and go blog hopping! I love ready my online friend's blogs and seeing all the things they have created. I also love going shopping Etsy style. I found some cool vintage scrappy things there last week so the packages are starting to come in and I love what I bought. For instance, yesterday I receive an envelope with really ancient children's book covers - great to use on a layout and gives your layout depth. These are genuine too because the envelope smelled a little musty - the smell you would expect from "real" vintage stuff. When I see some of these items, it reminds me of my youth. I don't know about you but I have a hard time remembering when I was really young. I mean, do I really remember or do I remember because my parents told me or my brother. I have one of those brothers that remembers EVERYTHING!!!

Anyway, I pondered the question "do you open the can of biscuits with a knife or do you whack it up against the counter's edge?" I ask because I'm cooking biscuits and when I whacked the container against the counter, of course it didn't open so I had to release it with a poke of the knife. Makes you go "hmmm?" Do ever wonder what other people do that you do?

So anyway, it's Thursday and only two more days until the weekend arrives. I have no plans for the weekend so I don't know why I'm so fired up about it getting here. Funny how we wish for time to go quickly and then when it does, we complain that it goes too fast. And the older you get ... well let's just say wasn't yesterday 1973? LOL Oh what's the line from Steel Magnolias that Dolly Parton says ... time marches by and before long it marches across your face .... or someting like that. You get what I mean. Oh to be young again!!!

Ok so now that I have totally depressed you with the youth thing, grab yourself a cup of java and go blog hopping with your online friends or do some Etsy shopping. That's where I'm headed. Have a great week and talk to you on the boards!


Jocelyn said...

Terri..first off let me thank you for the wonderful comment you left me. I always enjoy your visits with me. Opening the biscuits....I usually bang them...and stand back in case they go wonky.....Nothing planned here this weekend....but sometimes that is a good thing!!!!! Lawn work for Hubby....but I am still fighting this God Awful Junk!!!!! Wishing you a great day! Man..I hope these pounds do come off...but does that mean I have to do some mean exercise, YUCK!!!! :)

Jamie Dougherty (jaylynn) said...

Thank You for swinging by my blog. I love meeting new people here. To answer your question on my LO that's Color Wash and glimmer mist sprays. I use a brayer after I spray and spread it out. Can't wait to read more about you :)